torsdag 31 december 2009
Carrie blogg!
Carrie har laggt upp ett nytt blogginlägg, check it ouuuuut!
Meeeeegaaa söt bild på Tom och Carrie!!
xo McFluCrewSå Harry har inte kommit tillbaka till Twitter!
Xxx McFluCrew
Ny Harry?
Det verkar som Harry har en ny Twitter. Vi är inte säkra på det här. Debbie har frågat Tom om det är den "riktiga" Harry men Tom har inte svarat än, vi lägger upp när han svarar.

Det här är anledningen till att han har bytt Twitter (om han nu har gjort det)
JuddMcFly i am going to tweet more often..... was going to use my old account @mcflyharry but i forgot my password for it so made a new one :) enjoy
Xx McFluCrew
Disappointed fans?
Här är en artikel som FleckingRecords har lagt upp om McFly.
"McFly have been out of the picture music-wise for quite a while now. Their last album was released in July 2008 and the fans are hungry for more.
The original plan was to release a new album in spring 2010, a tour would follow and was roughly scheduled to take place in March of that year.
Bad news for all McFly fans. It may not be until May or June 2010 until we get to hear new tunes. Nobody is pleased with this news, especially after their management told us that the deadline might be pushed back even further. This all depends on the speed of the registration of McFly's new music.
Once there is a fixed date, that won't change. McFly will begin by planning their UK tour, and now this has been postponed it may not be until October 2010 that we get to see the guys play a UK tour.
When will we see the guys again? It's a mystery for now, no one really knows..."
Vi är inte besvikna eller arga på McFly, utan vi är glada för att de tar tid för att göra albumet så bra som möjligt!
Xxx McFluCrew
"McFly have been out of the picture music-wise for quite a while now. Their last album was released in July 2008 and the fans are hungry for more.
The original plan was to release a new album in spring 2010, a tour would follow and was roughly scheduled to take place in March of that year.
Bad news for all McFly fans. It may not be until May or June 2010 until we get to hear new tunes. Nobody is pleased with this news, especially after their management told us that the deadline might be pushed back even further. This all depends on the speed of the registration of McFly's new music.
Once there is a fixed date, that won't change. McFly will begin by planning their UK tour, and now this has been postponed it may not be until October 2010 that we get to see the guys play a UK tour.
When will we see the guys again? It's a mystery for now, no one really knows..."
Vi är inte besvikna eller arga på McFly, utan vi är glada för att de tar tid för att göra albumet så bra som möjligt!
Xxx McFluCrew
onsdag 30 december 2009
Charlie Yang - Hold You
Charlie är Carries pojkvän och han är med i bandet Circusaudium.
Bandet har nu skaffat en Youtubechannel där de har laggt upp några klipp, bland annat så har Charlie lagt upp när han sjunger låten Hold You som handlar om Carrie!
Kolla in deras YouTubeChannel och Myspace
Hur kommer det sig att ALLA som har något med McFLY att göra är musikaliska?
xoxo McFluCrew
Carrie Fletcher,
Charlie Yang,
Vinnaren är utsedd.........
....... och Vinnaren av Motion in the ocean tävlingen är .......................................
FELICIA ANDERSSON i Gnosjö! Grattis till dig!
Kolla gärna in hennes (McFly) blogg här :)

Xx McFluCrew
FELICIA ANDERSSON i Gnosjö! Grattis till dig!
Kolla gärna in hennes (McFly) blogg här :)

Xx McFluCrew
tisdag 29 december 2009
Här kommer svaren på MITO tävlingen:
1. Dougies flickvän heter Frankie (Francesca) Sandford och är medlem i tjejgruppen The Saturdays.
2. Videon var till I'll be OK.
3. Demon var till Nothing.
Tack för alla svar! Tyvärr kan det bara finnas en vinnare. Vi har skickat ett mail till vinnaren och denna kommer publiceras på bloggen inom en snar framtid :)
Xx McFluCrew
1. Dougies flickvän heter Frankie (Francesca) Sandford och är medlem i tjejgruppen The Saturdays.
2. Videon var till I'll be OK.
3. Demon var till Nothing.
Tack för alla svar! Tyvärr kan det bara finnas en vinnare. Vi har skickat ett mail till vinnaren och denna kommer publiceras på bloggen inom en snar framtid :)
Xx McFluCrew
Dougie och Harry
Här en ett klipp på Dougie och Harry innan konserten i Tyskland ENJOY!

Klippet funkar inte att lägga in på bloggen så ni får helt enkelt.....
Klicka här
Klicka här

Xx McFluCrew
Lite info...
Kom ihåg att idag är sista dagen man kan vara med i tävlingen om Motion in the Ocean. Klicka på länken under headern så får ni reda på mer om tävlingen. Vinnaren utses ikväll!
Xxx McFluCrew
Carrie on TwitCam
Igårkväll var Carrie live på Twitter tillsammans med sina kompisar. De sjunger och pratar lite, ni som missade det kan kolla på det här:
Om det inte fungerar kan ni klicka här. Och om DET inte fungerar testa att logga in med din Twitter...
Check it out dem är SÅ duktiga + att det är ganska mkt McFLY!
Ok en liten UPDATE:
Om ni inte vill titta på hela (en och en halvtimme) så spola fram 40 min, då sjunger dem THE HEART NEVER LIES!
xoxo McFluCrew
Om det inte fungerar kan ni klicka här. Och om DET inte fungerar testa att logga in med din Twitter...
Check it out dem är SÅ duktiga + att det är ganska mkt McFLY!
Ok en liten UPDATE:
Om ni inte vill titta på hela (en och en halvtimme) så spola fram 40 min, då sjunger dem THE HEART NEVER LIES!
xoxo McFluCrew
Fattar inte varför vissa människor kan vara så elaka! Har de någonsin tänkt att killarna i McFly är människor också och dom har känslor! BLÄÄÄÄ!
gfalcone601 I'm on a date... Mexican and the cinema!!! Xxx
tommcfly In the cinema now, it's busy, cocky comments about my band from spotty cinema worker were not appreciated but ignored as best I could.
gfalcone601 Just left tom in the cinema to go have a go at that twat of a guy who works here... He was a bit shocked and stammered an apology.
gfalcone601 You don't take the mickey out of your customers. Doesn't matter if you like the band or not. He is lucky I didn't shout at him straight away
tommcfly Possibly the bet popcorn ever, this cinema trip just got a whole lot better, ooh, lights going down!

Sorry, för mitt lilla "utbrott", haha men det behövdes ;)
Xxx McFluCrew
måndag 28 december 2009
Sexiest lad
Dougie har blivit utsedd till "Sexiest lad 2009" och Frankie har blivit utsedd till "Sexiest lass 2009". Perfect couple?
Här är top 3:
1. Dougie Poynter
2. Robert Pattinson
3. Peter Andre

1. Dougie Poynter
2. Robert Pattinson
3. Peter Andre
Det här är de som kom efter Frankie:
1. Frankie Sanford
2. Cheryl Cole
3. Katy Perry
Xxx McFluCrew
söndag 27 december 2009
The Saturdays Acapella
Här är 4 klipp när the Saturdays sjunger acapella. Låtarna är Just Cant Get Enough, Issues, Up och Head, Shoulders, Knees and toes :P
Xx McFluCrew
Ego Winterwonderland
Här är The Saturdays när de sjunger Winter Wonderland och Ego. Jag vet att vi lagt upp de två tidigare men det var bara med en stillbild så för er som vill se hur det såg ut när de sjöng Varsågoda :P
Xx McFluCrew
Dougie och Frankie nya Posh och Becks ?
Här har ni svaret :)
The Saturdays' Frankie Sanford and McFly's Dougie are the hottest couple on the block NOT since POSH & BECKS in their heyday has there been a young Brit showbiz couple both so hot at the same time.
But SATURDAYS sex bomb FRANKIE SANFORD and her McFLY hunk DOUGIE POYNTER are the hot new couple on the block, dominating both categories despite tough competition.
Dougie blushed: "I guess we're the Posh and Becks of Essex but I'm nowhere near as cool as him! But Frankie does look amazing.
"I have been working out lately too - my metabolism isn't what it once was."
Yeah, at 22 you're getting on a bit, Dougie.
But SATURDAYS sex bomb FRANKIE SANFORD and her McFLY hunk DOUGIE POYNTER are the hot new couple on the block, dominating both categories despite tough competition.
Dougie blushed: "I guess we're the Posh and Becks of Essex but I'm nowhere near as cool as him! But Frankie does look amazing.
"I have been working out lately too - my metabolism isn't what it once was."
Yeah, at 22 you're getting on a bit, Dougie.
Källa : newsoftheworld.co.uk

Hur söt är inte den bilden :D
Xx McFluCrew
Amerikansk interview
Alla amerikanska McFly fans fick chansen att ställa frågor till killarna...här är dom:
Alyssa, 19, New Jersey
While you guys are on the road or at a location and you dont really feel like exploring around, what do you do to pass the time?
Answer: We generally don’t get much time in places to do the Tourist thing. What do we do to pass the time? Sleep – Work – Eat – write a song or two!!
Serra, Pennsylvania
What is one regret you each made in your lives?
Answer: We have no regrets!!
Naria, 15, Pennsylvania
What is your favorite song that youve ever wrote?
Answer: Thats a hard one. It changes all the time, Can’t really say!
Stephanie, 17, New York
How long do you plan on staying in the states when you finally come? and where are some of the places you are going to go first?
Answer: we’ll be there one day and we hope its soon, We’ll want to go everywhere.
Lela, 16, New York
If you could become an alter ego of yourself, where would you be living, be doing, working as? etc?
Answer: We’d be living where we live now and be a McFly tribute band
Kelly, 22, Michigan
Which member of McFly would you Shun? Shag? Marry?
Answer: All of them at different times!!
Shaylynn, 19, Idaho
Did you ever get my necklaces I made for you? My mom and I traveled to England to meet you guys, and never got to!
Answer: We get so much stuff given to us that it is hard to remember. Thanks for coming to the UK and sorry you didn’t get to meet us. Hopefully you will one day
Erica, 19, Wisconsin
Danny what do you look for in a girl? If you guys had your own TV show, what would you call it?
Answer 1. Breath
Answer 2. McFlying with out wings
Michele and Alexis, 36 and 9, Minnesota
What is one venue you are most excited to play in America? (and please say, the Excel Energy Center in St.Paul, MN)
Answer: Yeah that sounds cool where is it. We just want to come and play to our fans in the USA.
Charlet, North Carolina
If you could be in 2 places at once where would you be?
Answer: confused!!
If you could be any age again what age and why?
Answer, Now is good why change it
What is the one song you can always play and automatically be happy?
Answer: YMCA
What kind of exotic animal would you be and why?
Answer: A DUCKBILLED PLATYPUS because its a cool name
What is your favorite comfort food?
Answer: SUSHI
Riss, 22, Oklahoma
Danny I heard your superstitious! What do you do when you see a single magpie?
Answer: Say – Good morning Mr Magpie – How’s trhe wife and children – Aye Aye Captain and then I salute.
Danielle, 20, North Dakota
Who musically inspired you guys while writing your albums?
Answer: Again differnt bands, it changes all of the time
Kimberly, 20, Mississippi
Danny what made you change your hair back? I miss the curls.
Answer: Its good to have a change now and again
Jaime, 20, Ohio
Have you ever laughed at something inappropriate? If so, what and did you get in trouble for it?
Answer: Don’t think so – At least we hope not
Aly, 22, Illinois,
If you could play one of your songs for someone who has never heard your music what song would you play?
Answer: LIES
What is the meaning of life to you?
Answer: HARD QUESTION!! YOU TELL US!! But we do intend to enjoy it
Lauryn, 16, Delaware
If you could live in any US state what would it be and why?
Answer: Don’t know but Somewhere where that the sun shines
Sara, 18, Texas
What has been your biggest accomplishment since the start of McFly?
Answer: Had quite a few but the best one? Surviving
Emily, 15, New Hampshire
What would you do if today was your last do live?
Answer: Invent a time machine so that we could go back in time and then it wouldn’t be our last day!!!!
Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle/super hero? and why?
Answer: Batman no Superman, no Spiderman, no TOM FLETCHER Yeah!!!
Kyme, 21, Minnesota
If givin the chance what celeb dead or alive would you collaberate with?
Answer: Michael Jackson – John Lenon – Springstein
Have you guys ever seen people with “McFly” tattoos, and if someone did get one what would you think? What if there was an extremely important meaning behind it that had nothing to do with McFly really?
Answer: We have seen some fans with tattoos, we signed someones back and they went and had it inked in. If its important to that person then its important!!
Alright and the most popular question from people who arent even on here is “When are you coming to America?”
Answer: We want to come out to the USA soon, and play for our fans, we’re really looking forward to it.
Xxx McFluCrew
Alyssa, 19, New Jersey
While you guys are on the road or at a location and you dont really feel like exploring around, what do you do to pass the time?
Answer: We generally don’t get much time in places to do the Tourist thing. What do we do to pass the time? Sleep – Work – Eat – write a song or two!!
Serra, Pennsylvania
What is one regret you each made in your lives?
Answer: We have no regrets!!
Naria, 15, Pennsylvania
What is your favorite song that youve ever wrote?
Answer: Thats a hard one. It changes all the time, Can’t really say!
Stephanie, 17, New York
How long do you plan on staying in the states when you finally come? and where are some of the places you are going to go first?
Answer: we’ll be there one day and we hope its soon, We’ll want to go everywhere.
Lela, 16, New York
If you could become an alter ego of yourself, where would you be living, be doing, working as? etc?
Answer: We’d be living where we live now and be a McFly tribute band
Kelly, 22, Michigan
Which member of McFly would you Shun? Shag? Marry?
Answer: All of them at different times!!
Shaylynn, 19, Idaho
Did you ever get my necklaces I made for you? My mom and I traveled to England to meet you guys, and never got to!
Answer: We get so much stuff given to us that it is hard to remember. Thanks for coming to the UK and sorry you didn’t get to meet us. Hopefully you will one day
Erica, 19, Wisconsin
Danny what do you look for in a girl? If you guys had your own TV show, what would you call it?
Answer 1. Breath
Answer 2. McFlying with out wings
Michele and Alexis, 36 and 9, Minnesota
What is one venue you are most excited to play in America? (and please say, the Excel Energy Center in St.Paul, MN)
Answer: Yeah that sounds cool where is it. We just want to come and play to our fans in the USA.
Charlet, North Carolina
If you could be in 2 places at once where would you be?
Answer: confused!!
If you could be any age again what age and why?
Answer, Now is good why change it
What is the one song you can always play and automatically be happy?
Answer: YMCA
What kind of exotic animal would you be and why?
Answer: A DUCKBILLED PLATYPUS because its a cool name
What is your favorite comfort food?
Answer: SUSHI
Riss, 22, Oklahoma
Danny I heard your superstitious! What do you do when you see a single magpie?
Answer: Say – Good morning Mr Magpie – How’s trhe wife and children – Aye Aye Captain and then I salute.
Danielle, 20, North Dakota
Who musically inspired you guys while writing your albums?
Answer: Again differnt bands, it changes all of the time
Kimberly, 20, Mississippi
Danny what made you change your hair back? I miss the curls.
Answer: Its good to have a change now and again
Jaime, 20, Ohio
Have you ever laughed at something inappropriate? If so, what and did you get in trouble for it?
Answer: Don’t think so – At least we hope not
Aly, 22, Illinois,
If you could play one of your songs for someone who has never heard your music what song would you play?
Answer: LIES
What is the meaning of life to you?
Answer: HARD QUESTION!! YOU TELL US!! But we do intend to enjoy it
Lauryn, 16, Delaware
If you could live in any US state what would it be and why?
Answer: Don’t know but Somewhere where that the sun shines
Sara, 18, Texas
What has been your biggest accomplishment since the start of McFly?
Answer: Had quite a few but the best one? Surviving
Emily, 15, New Hampshire
What would you do if today was your last do live?
Answer: Invent a time machine so that we could go back in time and then it wouldn’t be our last day!!!!
Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle/super hero? and why?
Answer: Batman no Superman, no Spiderman, no TOM FLETCHER Yeah!!!
Kyme, 21, Minnesota
If givin the chance what celeb dead or alive would you collaberate with?
Answer: Michael Jackson – John Lenon – Springstein
Have you guys ever seen people with “McFly” tattoos, and if someone did get one what would you think? What if there was an extremely important meaning behind it that had nothing to do with McFly really?
Answer: We have seen some fans with tattoos, we signed someones back and they went and had it inked in. If its important to that person then its important!!
Alright and the most popular question from people who arent even on here is “When are you coming to America?”
Answer: We want to come out to the USA soon, and play for our fans, we’re really looking forward to it.
Xxx McFluCrew
danny jones,
Dougie Poynter,
Harry Judd,
Tom Fletcher
danny jones,
Dougie Poynter,
Harry Judd,
Tom Fletcher
the Saturdays
The Saturdays - Ego och All I Want For Christmas Is You
XX McFluCrew
Christmas pics
Här är några bilder som Debbie har lagt upp på sin twitter:
MITO Tävling
Kom ihåg att ni kan fortfarande vinna Motion In The Ocean CD. Klicka bara på länken under headern så kommer ni till alla frågor och allt ni behöver veta :)

Xx McFluCrew
The Saturdays julhälsning
Här är ett klipp på the Saturdays när de skickar en julhälsning :)
Xx McFluCrew
lördag 26 december 2009
Tom and Gio
Här är lite uppdateringar från Toms och Giovannas jul!
tommcfly Getting into bed with my new handmade blanket from @gfalcone601. Hope someone doesn't call the police on me!
Here it is, nice and cosy!

tommcfly Who calls the police on a party on Christmas day, on a Friday night. Hate power-trip, double-pay, chrismas killer policemen
And we were leaving To go home anyway, I told that to the polce and he replied with "shut up". Ho ho hope he's on the naughty list.
Someone called the police on us for having a party on Christmas day. All I can honestly say is....merry Christmas!

Here it is, nice and cosy!

And we were leaving To go home anyway, I told that to the polce and he replied with "shut up". Ho ho hope he's on the naughty list.
Someone called the police on us for having a party on Christmas day. All I can honestly say is....merry Christmas!
fredag 25 december 2009
Dougie driving in snow
Här är ett klipp på Dougie när han kör i snön! Tom la upp det för ett tag sen, men vissa har inte kunnat se det... så ifall det inte funkar för er klicka här!
Xo McFluCrew
Uppdateringarna igår var inte många och vi tror att ni vet varför! Inläggen kan bli sämre men vi ska verkligen se till att så mycket nyheter kommer upp på bloggen.
Här är lite Tweets från Danny, Charlie från gamla Busted och nya Fightstar, Steve från gamla Son of Dork. Steve jobbar nu inom Disney, ni kanske har sett Hannah Montana the movie? Han är iallafall med där i bakgrunden!

you ate have an amazing day and enjoy every last minute of it x

Xxxx McFluCrew
torsdag 24 december 2009
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