IF you could get down and dirty with all the members of McFly, The Wanted or JLS who would you choose?
Tough one eh?
Well according to a new poll by studentbeans.com it's actually the McFly lads (and not The Wanted or JLS) who are the most fanciable boyband.
We can exclusively reveal that Dougie, Tom, Harry and Danny came out on top when a bunch of students were asked which band they'd most like to (collectively) have sex with.
And girl bands The Saturdays and Girls Aloud even came in above of The Wanted and JLS (there must have been a helluva lot of guys voting too).
Writing this story has got us picturing going home with ALL of McFly, JLS and The Wanted. Dangerous.
But which of the three boybands would YOU most like to get up close and personal with?
Xxx McFluCrew