lördag 6 november 2010

McFly in X Factor

Tack till Karen Stevenson som la upp de här bilderna på sin tumblr!
Bilder är från X Factor Magazine

Xxx McFluCrew

McFly is Trending!

Nu gör vi så att det blir worldwide! #worldlovesmcfly

Xxx McFluCrew

Shine a Light out tonight!!

I natt klockan 12 så kommer Shine a Light att släppas så att man kan ladda ner den! Det här sa Tom på Twitter!

(Här är länken som finns ovan!)

Xxx McFluCrew

Dirty McFly!

Här är en intervju med McFly från 3am!

Jag kunde inte få videoklippet till bloggen så ni får helt enkelt kolla här!

"The last time we interviewed McFly, we got completely carried away and ended up talking absolute filth on top of their interview (warning – if you click on this link, you will be disgusted) about how we wanted to mount Danny and lick Dougie’s tattoos.

So when we turned up to meet the boys at the studio yesterday, we were hoping they hadn’t watched our X-rated video. Yeah… they had. But rather than scolding us (which we would have quite enjoyed), they encouraged us by saying it turned them on. Not a wise move, boys.

Aside from our attempt to have sex with them, we spoke to McFly about their new Super City site and album Above The Noise, before moving swiftly onto full frontal nudity, The Only Way Is Essex and showing The Saturdays their testicles.

And then there’s the amazing game which we created especially for the interview – ‘I Believe I Can McFly, I Believe I Can Touch the McSky’. This basically involved showing the boys pictures of animals and letting them guess whether they have the ability to fly. Because education is fun, even if you’re a well famous band.

Watch the video above to find out the results of our hilarious quiz, plus feel free to rewind and play the bit where Harry says ‘you’re naughty’ over and over again (we totally didn’t do that).

PS Here’s an even filthier video where we play ‘shag, marry and avoid’ with McFly - which you simply must watch. Unless you’re 12 or something, in which case, go to bed. No, you can’t see the pretty fireworks, just go to bed."

Xxx McFluCrew

Dougie passed out!

Här är en artikel från Contact Music. På tal om Paul O'Grady så finns nya intervjuer uppe på vår youtube kanal! McFly uppträdde också Shine a Light för första gången på tv igår (5 november)!! Videon ligger också uppe på kanal!! So check it out!!

"MCFLY star DOUGIE POYNTER was left red-faced after fainting during a recent tattoo session.
The British musician has been adding to his body art collection and plans to cover his entire forearm with ink.

But during one recent outing to the tattoo parlour, Poynter came over queasy and passed out.

He tells U.K. TV host Paul O'Grady, "I fainted on one of my sessions of having a tattoo (sic). It was on the inside of my arm.

"I have kind of a full sleeve in the making. It's more annoying than really painful, it's just quite aggravating. It's just like being poked and it's like, 'Agh, stop!'" "
Nya klipp finns också uppe på vår andra youtube kanal!
Xxx McFluCrew

Fan Video!

Vi fick ett mejl nyligen så här stod det:

Kom just på en awesome idé!! :D

Vore det inte sjukt kul att göra en
egen SVENSK video av någon av McFLYs låtar och sedan skicka den till dom!?
Blir lite som "Party girl around the world" men bara med oss i Sverige :)

Vi kan t.ex. stå framför Globen, Kaknästornet osv :)
Vore också
askul om vi t.ex. kunde stå framför älgarna (eftersom det är ganska typiskt
svenskt) på Skansen.
Skansen kan jag fixa in oss på så slipper vi betala
inträde, för jag känner lite folk som jobbar där :)
Finns säkert lite fler
typiska "landmärken" som vi kan stå och dansa framför, fast inga jag kommer på
nu ;)

Men, vad tycker ni? :)

Kram på er :)

Detta tycker vi låter som en toppen idé! Så vi undrar vad ni tycker om detta? Om det är tillräckligt många så kommer vi ge lite förslag på datum och sen får se hur det blir :)

Om detta blir av kommer det bli en hel dag på skansen med massa McFLY och roliga människor och djur ;) Om ni tycker det låter bra så skicka ett mejl till vår mejl mcflucrew@hotmail.com eller lämna en kommentar :)

xxxxxx McFluCrew

McFluCrews 1st anniversary!!

Igår fyllde McFluCrew 1 år ! WOHO!!!! Vi firade en minut i tolv för vi visste inte om det :P HAHA FAIL!!!! Men iaf vi tänkte fira detta med lite tävlingar! Sååååååååå håll utkik efter dem! Det kommer bli minst 3 priser och de kommer komma upp på bloggen efter helgen :) Lycka Till!!

Xxxxxx McFluCrew

torsdag 4 november 2010

onsdag 3 november 2010


McFly kommer ha en chat på super city idag klockan 6 svensk tid (5 engelsk)!!

Xxx McFluCrew

"...she left me with a broken heart"

Här är en till artikel om Shine a Light:

"In a year where Kelis released a dance LP, Robyn put out a trilogy of albums and Nicki Minaj, erm, happened, McFly Going Electro still managed to shock us. Having launched their new sound over the summer with ballsy dance-pop stomper 'Party Girl', they've now teamed up with the self-proclaimed Rockstarr But Actually Electropop Peddler Taio Cruz for their latest offering. Question is, has the novelty of a newer, poppier and, crucially, hunkier McFly already worn off?

Of course it flippin' well hasn't! On paper the pairing may sound like a hideous mish-mash of conflicting genres, but crank this up LOUD and the result is pop perfection. 'Shine A Light' might be a sentimental number about missing an ex, but with Cruz's squelchy synths, McFly's trademark pop/rock choonage and some deceptively catchy "Eh Eh"s, the urge to bound around the nearest open space for three minutes and 45 seconds is near-irresistible. Perhaps Dougie and co. have made a rockstar Rokstarr out of Taz after all?"


Xxx McFluCrew

"She took the light and left me in the dark..."

Här är en arikel om hur man ska tolka Shine a Light texten:

"The story behind the song is quite sweet actually. Some girl has only gone and broke their
hearts. “She took the light and left me in the dark, eh” is their claim, and preach for us
to “Shine a Light on her, eh eh” if we find her. However, it is possible for the listener to
interpret this in a couple of ways. Either they’ve actually been mentally destroyed by a
girlfriend who has left them, or they’ve gone to the bar to get a drink and can’t find the girl
they were with.

Whichever way really doesn’t matter because the beat flows well mixing mainly electronics
over acoustics (not quite as heavy as Party Girl) and will still attract the club audiences they were are aiming for. Die hard McFly fans who may have been upset with this new direction the band has taken will also enjoy it. Vocally it’s impressive, but I can’t help but wonder if Shine A Light would be as good as it is without the inclusion of Taio."


Xxx McFluCrew

McFly @ Cosmo Awards 2010

Två bilder från gårdagens Cosmo Awards 2010.

Xxx McFluCrew