fredag 26 februari 2010

Rock 4 life 2010!

McFLY ska spela på Rock 4 life den 2:a Maj i Skottland!

Charity music event set to Rock Inverness
The Sugababes and Mcfly are today, Friday 26th February, the latest acts to be announced to headline Rock 4 Life’s Sunday’s line-up at Whiteness, Inverness.

Rock 4 Life, taking place on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd May will be the first live public show in Scotland of the new line-up of the Sugababes.

R&B singer Lemar will add to the star-studded Sunday line-up, while Saturday sees Status Quo, Steve Harley and Donnie Munro create a rock / pop contrast to the event, providing entertainment for all the family over the weekend.

Caledonian Productions director Tobias Leask said: “We are thrilled to welcome such big names to the Highlands and are glad that we can offer our audience a range of artists to suit every musical taste.

“Playing host to some rock legends on the Saturday and welcoming some fantastic pop acts for the Sunday, we hope to provide a well rounded event for everyone – and all for a great cause.”

Rock 4 Life will raise money for Highland Hospice, the only hospice which serves adults with incurable life-limiting disease in the Highlands of Scotland.

David Welch, Director of Fundraising and Communications at Highland Hospice said: “Rock 4 Life is a fantastic idea and an event which will be gladly welcomed in the highlands. We appreciate all of the work being done by Caledonian Productions to raise money for the Hospice, and for introducing Inverness to such an exciting event.”

Caledonian Productions took the decision last month to move the two day music event to Whiteness situated between Ardersier and Nairn.

Whiteness Property Company Ltd is donating the use of the site for the charity music event.

xoxo McFluCrew

Rock in Rio

På Rock in Rios hemsida har man lagt upp att McFly ska ha ett gig, både i Lisabon (29 maj) och Madrid (6 juni).

Rock in Rio - Madrid, Spanien

"On 6 June, Family Day, where all the music program is designed for the enjoyment of the young, British act McFly. That same day Miley Cyrus act in the same World Stage.

The confirmation of McFly at Rock In Rio will surely make the thousands of fans, that the British quartet already has in our country, go crazy. In England, the band has taken from the Beatles’ own historical record as the youngest group to debut at No.1 in the country. The Beatles hold this record for almost 20 years. McFly. The revolution grows mainly on the internet where 100 million people have already visited their official website with 11 million views of their songs on MySpace. Such a furor generated by this band between the younger, who planned the 2010 Fox film starring the band!"

Rock in Rio - Lisabon, Portugal

"McFly and D’ZRT will be present in the largest music event in the world. The British pop boy band and Portuguese working in the World Stage on May 29, the day dedicated to young people of the Rock in Rio-Lisbon 2010.
McFly started his musical career for six years and has managed to put seven singles and two albums in the first place the TOP English. The British have on your resume four albums of originals: the success of “Room On The 3rd Floor”, their debut album, made not appear in the Guinness book for being the youngest band ever to come with a photo directly of a first place for the TOP. And in the history of music, the Beatles had only managed to achieve such a feat.
In subsequent years, the edited McFly “Wonderland” (2005), “Motion in the Ocean” (2006) and “Radio: Active”, all big blockbusters. In total, the band has earned 3 platinum albums and 1 gold in the UK and won the Brit Award for “Best Performance Pop”.
McFly are presented for the first time in Portugal live at Rock in Rio-Lisbon 2010 and promise to make a big concert for all fans who long for his debut lands.
McFly and D’ZRT thus confirm their presence on the World Stage, the day dedicated to family, to present their fans with the subjects they know well."

Xxx McFluCrew

Demo updates!

Igår skrev vi om en demo som dykt upp på internet. Mission McFly Germany kontaktade McFLY's internationella manager och informerade om sången och det här är svaret de fick:

Dear Thea,
We have investigated this and it is not new Mcfly material. No-one is quite
sure what it is or where it came from, but I can assure you it isn’t leaked
new material. Many thanks for bringing it to our attention – much
Best regards,

Det är alltså inget från deras nya album! Läs mer på MissionMcFlyGermany.

xxx McFluCrew

torsdag 25 februari 2010

Harry Judd + Dougie Poynter = sant

Harry blir bara mer och mer teknisk! Han har nu laddat upp en visningsild på sin Twitter vilket är ett stort framsteg för att vara Harry! och han har t.o.m laddat upp en bild på Twitpic!!

"Look what I get to wake up next to....that's right people me and doug are sharing a bed. We spooned last night. "

Haha... Hur sanna är rykterna om att Harry/Izzy och Dougie/Frankie har gjort slut?? ;)
xx McFluCrew

Ghost hunting with McFly

Har ni sett Ghost hunting with McFly på youtube? Nu kan man förbeställa den!
Antingen på, eller

Xoxo McFluCrew


Några av McFlys demos har kommit ut på på McFluCrew får inte lyssna på dom (vi är med i en pakt) så vi har ingen aning hur dom låter eller om det ens är en demo ;)
Men för er som vill lyssna så ska tydligen det här 3 vara demos:

Den här ska tydligen heta The Saturdays...

Den här ska antingen heta The Saturdays eller Alone...Det kanske är samma som den första men jag kan inte lyssna så ni får höra själva

Xx McFluCrew


Xx McFluCrew

onsdag 24 februari 2010

Info om Haigh Hall

Hemsidan WiganToday har lagt upp lite mer info om konserten som McFly ska ha i sommar:
Det ska tydligen vara ännu fler artister som uppträder...

McFly to play Haigh Hall

Chart-toppers McFly and glamorous girl band the Saturdays have been signed to play Haigh Hall this summer.
The groups will perform in the country house grounds as part of one of the biggest series of gigs ever to take place in the borough.

The Wigan Life Tuned-In Concerts run for five days from Monday July 5 to Friday July 9 and more big names could be unveiled soon.

Organisers are currently negotiating with three other acts, but are keeping tight-lipped over their identities.

All the acts will perform in an open-air arena near to Haigh Hall.

Pete Burt, executive director for service development with organisers Wigan Leisure and Culture Trust, said: "This concert series will bring some of the very biggest names in the music business into the borough's back yard and because it's close to both the M6 and M61 it's within easy reach for the whole of the North West."

The remaining three acts to be signed up for the concerts will only be unveiled in March, but that didn't stop speculation as to who they could be.

Full story and ticket info in today's (Wednesday) Wigan Evening Post ...


Märkte ni att de använde samma bild som vi har som header?? :P
xoxo McFluCrew

Ego VS Wear My Kiss

The Saturdays tävlar mot Sugababes på hemsida om bästa video. Det står alltså mellan Ego och Wear my kiss. Så gå in här och stötta The Saturdays nu :)

Xx McFluCrew

Dallas in London 2

Dallas Austin har lagt upp ett klipp på sin blogg, han nämner McFly och pratar om deras nya album:

Xx McFluCrew

Spain 2009

Här är ett klipp som nyligen har lagts upp på Youtube. McFly svarar på några frågor i Spanien 2009.

Xox McFluCrew

Sugar Frankie

Vi har tidigare lagt upp en interview med Frankie när hon berättar om hur hon träffade Dougie, här är den och lite till! :)

Bilderna är från The Saturdays hemsida.

Xx McFluCrew

tisdag 23 februari 2010

Dallas Austin: london updates

Dallas har lagt upp ett inlägg på sin blogg och det här videoklippet ifrån studion:

xx McFluCrew

Dannys nya tatuering

Bilden är från igår, taget från Ustreamvideon därför är kvalitén inte den bästa men det är Dannys nya tatuering!

xoxo McFluCrew

Busringning till Harry

Haha, Harry får ett lite annorlunda telefonsamtal.. Spola fram 51 minuter

BBC iplayer

xoxo McFlucrew

The Saturdays Glam Tips

Som rubriker lyder så har vi lagt upp tre klipp med The Saturdays när de frågar sitt crew om deras bästa tips inom smink, kläder och hår :)

måndag 22 februari 2010

Dannys Ustream

Danny har också skaffat en Ustream:

Wohoo, Cameraguy = DVD med the making of..!

xxx McFluCrew

Ny låt

Igår fick vi en kommentar på vårt inlägg med Toms twitcam:

SweetB sa...
Oh my!! :D

Jag försöker lista ut om det är en av deras nya låtar som hörs i bakgrunden? :D

låter ju som den texten som Tom skrev om på twitter men jag kan ha heeeeelt fel... :P

SweetB har alldeles rätt, det är en av deras nya låtar som hörs i bakgrunden, de pratar om det i den nya Ustream videon i slutet..

xoxo McFluCrew

Ustream: The Dallas Austin Experience 02/22/10

Nyligen hade Dallas och McFly ännu en Ustream och det går det att titta på den igen!

Haha, Dallas försöker få McFly att komma till Sverige??

xxx McFluCrew

Summer show!

Det här står på McFlys myspace.
"McFly Summer Show - Wigan - on sale Fri Feb 26th
McFly have announced their first UK summer show. They will perform live at 'Wigan Life Tuned In' in an open air arena near Haigh Hall on Monay 5th July. Tickets for the show will go on sale this Friday at 9am from or you can call the Wigan Tourist Information Centre on 01942 825 677."

Xxx McFluCrew


We've done it again! McFlyMonday är på Trending topics!

Xx McFluCrew

News of the world: Frankie

Här är en intervju med Frankie där hon pratar om Dougie och hur de träffades. När den här intervjun gjordes var de uppenbarligen fortfarande ihop, skulle de publicera den om de gjort slut???


Frankie Sandford on love, HABs and death threats


SATURDAYS babe Frankie Sandford has lots to smile about.

Her band is currently the biggest girl group in the charts and she's just returned from a romantic break in Florida with her other half, Dougie, from McFly.

On top of that, she's ranked "hottest" Saturday member by many fans.

Besotted Dougie had a crush on Frankie, 21, for seven years before he mustered up the courage to ask her out.

In an exclusive interview with Sugar magazine (on sale 24 Feb) Frankie describes how it all came about.

She says: "We were doing our first gig at G-A-Y in July 2008 and McFly were performing too.

"While we were rehearsing Dougie walked up on stage - we looked at each other and then looked away.

"I knew he fancied me 'cause I'd heard him say it in loads of interviews.

"Harry came over and gave me a kiss to say hello, then Dougie shook my hand! Really weird! He mumbled, 'You alright?'

"And I was like, 'Ye-ah.'It was so formal!

"Harry said: 'Are you just gonna shake her hand?' And then it was really, really awkward. Me and Dougie were like 'Erghrg!'"

Dougie once described his partnership with Frankie as the Posh and Becks of Essex.

Frankie says: "I'm not sure we'll ever be like them - we're on a different level! We find it funny that people think of us as a celeb couple, 'cause we're so sad and boring.

"We like to stay in and get a takeaway, or go to the cinema. Last night we were up until 1am cleaning the house, so we're not exactly cool."

So is Frankie a McFly WAG or is Dougie a Saturdays HAB?

"He's a Saturdays HAB! But we call them 'BADs' - Boyfriends And Dogs. The first time I saw Dougie perform I actually didn't like it. He was running around the stage and everyone was screaming.

"I was like, 'What are they screaming at?' It took me a while to get used to seeing him as Dougie from McFly - I just see him as my boyfriend."

Does she mind the female attention he gets? She says: "I can see why they fancy him. I do get death threats on Twitter. I'll say, 'I'm on a plane now!' and they'll go, 'I hope your plane crashes.'"

Will she eventually do a Cheryl Cole and go solo?

"You never know. I've met Cheryl and she really is so lovely and everything that she seems on TV. I'd like to sit down and talk to her because things have been completely mental for her. It'd be interesting to get advice."

Would she like to be a judge on The X Factor?

"I'd love to - that would be awesome! I'd be terrible though because my face just says it all. I'd get the giggles too. I'd just want to let everyone through 'cause I know how it feels to get rejected."

Sugar's full exclusive interview with Frankie goes on sale on Feb 24. For more information, visit

The Saturdays' album Wordshaker is out now


xxx McFluCrew

Dougie and Frankie?!

Jag har letat runt som en galning hela morgonen för att få reda på om ryktet att Dougie och Frankie har gjort slut. Jag har inte hittat någon som säkert kan säga att de har gjort slut men här är det jag hittade:

*Dallas säger här att Dougie är singel, vid 7.33

*"On Valentines day, Rochelle (from the Sats) tweeted she was with Vanessa and Frankie in bed. Rochelle and Vanessa are single, and i was like, oo, I wonder if Doug and Frankie have broken up? Which has now been confirmed... " Det står att det har blivit bekräftat, men var?!?!?!?!

*Klippet är nog inte så viktigt och egentligen inte det här heller, men det kan inte skada att lägga upp det. Det här är från Youtube.

Alltså skulle Frankie säga till om de hade gjort slut, men jag kanske är ute på hal is!

*Här är ännu mer från Youtube.

Ifall ni vet något kan ni ju alltid skriva ett mail ( och tipsa oss om det

Xxx McFluCrew

Haigh hall!

McFly ska ju ha en konsert den 5 juli, biljetterna släpps den 26e februari. Vet ni vilka biljetter som släpps samma dag? i Haigh hall? Joo, The Saturdays!
Här är från The Saturdays hemsida:

"The Saturdays perform at Haigh Hall
Feb. 18, 2010Got the winter blues? Then why not plan ahead for a glorious summer with The Saturdays - we are very pleased to bring you the news that the girls will be playing the stunning Haigh Hall, near Wigan, on July 8th!

The venue, a wonderful listed country house set in 250 acres of parkland, dates back to 1850 and will certainly be a unique place to take in the brilliance of The Saturdays' live set, making for a very special day out!

Tickets will go on sale from next Friday (February 26th) from Ticketmaster, or from Wigan Tourist Information Centre on 01942 825 677."

Alltså 3 dagar efter att McFly har haft sin konsert i Haigh hall ska The Saturdays ha en konsert där...Så om man är lika stort fan av The Saturdays som McFly skadar det ju inte att stanna där några dagar till ;)

Xxx McFluCrew

söndag 21 februari 2010

In general life!

Dougie bad någon att göra en Support Danny in general life twibbon och så här ser den ut!

Ifall ni vill ha en så gå in här!

Xxxx McFluCrew


McFly gjorde en liten Twitcam video i studion, här har ni den:

Den finns även på vår Youtube-kanal!

Xoxo McFluCrew