lördag 2 oktober 2010

Trending Topic

Igår hände det som sagt en massa grejer och det var fyllt med McFLY relaterade ord i Trending Topic. Ett av orden som var i TT var Pioneer.. Inte så konstigt med tanke på hur många som ville bli pioneers.. Här är en video där en kille pratar om Trending Topics och han nämner McFLY! ;)

xxx McFluCrew

Super City is CLOSED!

Super City har stängt för att det var för många som försökte komma in samtidigt. De kommer att öppna hemsidan igen men de vet inte exat när utan de säger till.

De som redan har betalat kan antingen fortsätta vara medlem på hemsidan eller få tillbaka pengarna. Men de som stannar kvar kommer att få en gratis månad på Super City och en present från killarna!

McFLY är hemskt besvikna på att det som har hänt och så här skrev Tom på sin Tumblr:

We have to TEMPORARILY close the gates to the Super City. It has been a REALLY
REALLY hard decision but we didn’t feel it was fair to all of our incredible
Pioneers to let you continue struggling through the Super City in the condition
it is in today. That is not the Super City experience we have been building for
2 years. So we think it’s best to close the City until we know the problems are
sorted and you can see it in all it’s glory!!!!

SO, for those of you who
managed to get into the Super City today and become Pioneers, all your details
will remain the same and you will be able to log back into the fully functional,
kick ass Super City exactly as you signed up today.

People who signed up
MONTHLY will get October for free.

People who signed up ANNUALLY will
get October free and your annual subscription will start from November.

If any of you want your money back then we will be putting up the
information soon but we hope that wont be the case and that you will trust us
when we say the Super City is truly incredible and will be back up and running
ASAP. We are so genuinely upset that this has happened today!

BUT, to
end on a positive note and it is a HUGE positive…the only reason we have had to
temporarily close the gates is because of the overwhelming demand from you guys
to be a part of this revolution. And because of all of you Pioneers today the
Super City truly can be revolutionary. So bare with us while we get the City
back under control.

Thanks for your patience and belief!


Killarna gjorde även en Twitcam där de berättade hur ledsna de är, men att allt händer av en andledning. Nu vet de hur många fans de har över hela världen och förhoppningsvis så registrerade sig många svenskar så att de vet att vi existerar! ;)

Läs mer på McFly.com

Xxx McFluCrew

fredag 1 oktober 2010

Super City Pioneer

Här är en Streaming med McFly där de ger oss lite mer information :)

Xx McFluCrew

Super City News!

tommcfly: Can't believe we have our first Pioneers already in #SuperCity!!! Today is gonna be amazing! You WILL be a pioneer if you sign up TODAY.

mcflyharry: We Hate the fact you are all panicking! If you sign up today you WILL become a pioneer!!!!!

tommcfly: So don't panic, don't cry, don't get into trouble, if you sign up today you WILL be a pioneer!!!



tommcfly: Ok everyone, because there are so many of you trying we would like to announce that ANYONE WHO SIGNS UP TODAY WILL BE A PIONEER!!!!

dougiemcfly: right. news just in. because of the carnage anyone who signs up today will 100% become a pioneer!


mcflyharry: But for those of you that have to go to work and school DON'T PANIC because I'm very sure you will be a pioneer!

Xxxx McFluCrew

För många utropstecken?

Är ni redo? Ska ni bli en pioneer i Super City?
McFluCrew ska göra sitt bästa för att vara tre av 10.000 första! En använder sin data i skolan, en kommer använda sin mobil på lektion (jag vet det är fel, men det är McFly!!!) och en kommer vara hemma vid datan!

Klockan 11 smäller det svensk tid! Då öppnas portarna till Super City!

Lämna gärna en kommentar och säg om du blev en pioneer eller inte, och var du var någonstans! ;)

Lycka till!!

Xxx McFluCrew

onsdag 29 september 2010

Super City Q and A today!

Idag kommer killarna att ha en Ustream där de kommer svara på fansens frågor om Super City! Chatten börjar kl 6 Svensk tid.

Här är länken

UPDATE: Om du missade chatten kan du se den igen! :D

Tom lade även upp den här bilden på sin Tumblr där det står en massa information om vad en Pioneer är för något. För att bli Pioneer ska du vara en av de 10 000 första som anmäler sig på mcfly.com aka Super City. ;)

xxx McFluCrew

tisdag 28 september 2010

British Invasion - Harry Judd

Här är en artikel från en amerikansk hemsida som heter Examiner.com där de pratar om Harry.

"British Invasion - Harry Judd

Yes, it's another British Invasion, one that is anticipated by the female fans (and some male closet fans) of the United States. After the success of the Beatles, why not try another one and see how this goes? Only problem, they're not that big in America, in fact few people know about them. But, if you're a die hard McFly fan, it doesn't bother you that they're mainly stationed in the UK (not that much anyway).

McFly, the British band that's quickly rising to fame first started back in 2004. Over the six year course of their band (and they're still going strong) they've stuck to thier original pop-rock sound. The band consists of Tom Fletcher (lead vocals and rhythmic guitar), Danny Jones (lead vocals and lead guitar), Dougie Poynter (backing vocals and bass guitar) and Harry Judd (drums). The band rose to fame after fellow pop band Busted helped launch them by inviting them to tour in March 2004. The band's name originates from Marty McFly, the main character of the Back to the Future trilogy.

They have five albums out Room on the 3rd Floor, Wonderland, Just My Luck (which coincides with the American movie they took part of of the same name with Lindsay Lohan and Chris Pine), Motion in the Ocean, All the Greatest Hits, and most recently Radio:ACTIVE. They released their first five albums under Island Records before creating their own label called Super Records. Under this record label, they put out the CD Radio:ACTIVE and their newest album (which will be released soon) called Above the Noise.

Their first album, Room on the 3rd Floor debuted at no. 1 on the UK album charts and is certified as double-platinum. This led them to becoming the youngest band to have an album debut at number 1 - previously held by the Beatles. This was possible because their bass player, Dougie Poynter, and youngest member of the band, was only 15 when he joined the band. Ever since their albums Wonderland also hit no. 1, Motion in the Ocean debut at no. 6, and All the Greatest Hits debuted at no. 4. They also hold sixteen consecutive top twenty singles, seven which reached no. 1 in the UK singles charts, and fifteen of which were consecutive top ten singles.

But, you're here to read more about the man behind the drum set, the driving force of the band; Harry Judd.

Harry Mark Christopher Judd was born December 23, 1985 making him 25 this upcoming holiday season. Judd was born in Chelmsford, Essex, England and has appeared in Busted's music video for their single "Crashed the Wedding", after which he joined McFly following auditions. Judd had been playing the drums for three years before he joined McFly.

He heard about the auditions the same way their bass player, Dougie Poynter, heard about them. Both of them found out through a classified advertisement in the NME magazine. Both boys are from Essex and they both, coincidentally, turned up at the same audition. They bonded over talking about thier favorite band, The Starting Line, after Poynter noticed their name and logo was printed on Judd's t shirt.

Even though Judd isn't one of the singers of the group, he does do his fair share of singing. Some fans recount the event where during a break in their set, Judd took the mike and sang "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias. It's no doubt that he also has great vocals for the band. He is also the "funny" member of the band.


http://www.mcfly.com/ - Site opens in October at the same time the album Above the Noise is released.for download for its members.




Xxx McFluCrew

Super City

Är ni alla redo för Super City!?

Igår gavs det ut en massa ny information om Super City, här har vi samlat lite av det som har sagts:
  • they're individually hand signing 10,000 certificates for the Pioneers!
  • The first 10,000 fans to become Citizens will be Pioneers forever regardless of whether you sign up to be a monthly or annual member!
  • Mcfly will host a webchat on Wednesday Evening UK time to answer all your questions so start sending them in! (@SuperCityHQ)
  • anyone who signs up for an ANNUAL membership will be invited to a meet and greet!
  • Meet and greets will happen in the following cities: London, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Paris, Madrid, Dublin, Amsterdam, Sao Paulo...
  • Meet and Greets will also take place in key cities in the USA as well as many more cities across the world which will be announced soon!
  • Meet & greets wont be a quick hello/goodbye! Mcfly will hold meet & greet days where they'll spend real time getting to know their citizens!
  • wherever possible, Pioneers will be invited to watch sound checks on tour, have priority queuing at gigs and signings etc...
  • By the way, EVERY citizen will get the chance to buy concert tickets before they go on general sale... Mcfly forgot to tell you that too!
  • EVERY month there will be at LEAST one major piece of content that is worth more than the £6 - it might be an album, a filmed concert etc...
  • every week there will be webchats with the boys individually and they have developed a unique way for you to interact with them...
  • Those with the most points may even get invited to small group chats or even one on one chat's if you happen to be online at the right time!
  • Every day there will be new content... it might be a new demo Tom's worked on and want's your opinion before he shows it to the band!
  • It might be a new set of photos you've not seen yet... Infact, we might need your help to select the best one's to use as press shots etc!
  • There will be loads of behind the scenes videos that will be uploaded most days for Citizens to see first... tourists will see them later!
  • t's £6 a month but if you subscribe for a whole year then you get it cheaper for £40
  • the super city is international!
  • Nowhere left to run will be released through the Super City to all the citizens.
McFLY lade även upp den här videon på Youtube där de pratar ännu mer om Super City, om du inte redan har sett den? Che-che-check it out!

xxx McFluCrew

måndag 27 september 2010

Teen Today: McFly part 2 - Danny's crotch, Tom's chin, rubbish tattoos

Thanks to all your hard work in what we’re generously describing as a crowd-sourced promotional experiment we now have 8,000 followers on twitter. In good news, that means we can now bring you part 2 of our McFly interview, and if you woke up this morning wondering what the World’s biggest seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time tattoo says - you should probably hit ‘see more’…

As well as talk of tats, there’s the moment in which Danny realises there’s a twitter account dedicated to his crotch ("CROTCH?!!"), some on-the-fence comment about the boys’ best live crowd and Danny banging on about football. So as usual, all the important stuff that you won’t hear anywhere else.

- Follow us on twitter.com/teentoday for more McFly gossip and banter.
- Here’s McFly joining teentoday.co.uk’s Group Pop Star Bop-It league. Any guesses who crapped it up? Well, at least he’s pretty…
- Here’s part 2. In which Harry has a sneezegasm and Dougie causes the universe to end when he comments on someone else’s small feet.
- Part 3 soon. And you don’t even have to whore us out this time around.


xxx McFluCrew

söndag 26 september 2010

Freeshly Squeezed

Här är ett klipp från när killarna är med i Freeshly Squeezed:

För er som ska gå på McFLY turnén så har det blivit bekräftat att bandet RIO ska vara förband på turnén så medans ni laddar upp inför den stora kvällen så kan det vara ett tips att kolla in deras myspace..

Förövrigt så har TeenToday lovat att del två av deras McFLY intervju kommer att dyka upp på Youtube snart.

xxx McFluCrew