Här är två artikel som handlar om Frankie och Dougie. De träffades på the May Fair Hotel för att prata....
(Lägg märke till det som jag har gjort med
fet stil i båda texterna...)
----Mr. Paparazzi----
"In recent weeks Frankie Sandford has been romantically linked to Calum Best (gross), Ashley Cole (grim) and Aston Merrygold (fingers crossed!).
In fact since splitting from her long-term boyfriend Dougie Poynter, there are not many famous men the Saturdays babe hasn't been linked to.
But last night when we caught up with Frankie heading to the May Fair Hotel for a cocktail she wasn't meeting up with Calum (phew), Ashley (thank god) or Aston (shame, that would have been a lot more interesting).
Instead she met up with her ex, possibly to assure him she hasn't already moved on and the pair sat and chatted for a while before they both headed home alone. How boring."
"..Sitting in the luxurious hotel’s lounge area in full view, the pair were clearly embracing in a heart-to-heart as the 20-year-old girl band member wiped floods of tears from her eyes.
The pair had spent the evening together before arriving at the hotel and heading straight to the bar.
They split only last month but already Miss Sandford has been romantically linked with JLS’ Aston Merrygold and footballer Ashley Cole.
Poynter, 22, who rose to fame in McFly, looked as though he was trying to comfort his ex-girlfriend who, at the time of splitting up with each other, said she was still his best friend.
After a long, meaningful chat, the couple headed to reception where Frankie picked up a room key.
Despite this perceived reconciliation however, the Ego singer told The Sun: ‘I’m not interested in men right now. I’d prefer to wait until the right guy comes along rather than start dating someone just for the sake of it. "
I texten från Mr. Paparazzi står de att de gick hem ensamna, men i metros text står det att de gick till receptionen och hämtade en rumsnyckel... vad är då sant??
Xx McFluCrew