Här är lite twitter updates:
@heatworld enjoy your time with the guys tomorrow... I'm sure they will be very wise........... Well, entertaining anyway!! Xxxx
@gfalcone601 Ha ha ha – we will do our best! Shame you're not coming too!! xx
We're on a train on the way to see McFLY. Hooray! Any last minute questions you'd like us to ask?
Just back from spending a glorious hour in the company of the amazing McFly! Were any of you at the Santander Masterclass today? #McFly
Just having an interview with @heatworld and this was staring straight at me.. Phhhaaaaaaha he looks like a weatherman
@Dannymcfly What was staring at you? Do you mean "the photo"? Ha ha ha!
Ohh here the pic I forgot to put on my tweet http://twitpic.com/qe7xc
McFly were on top form today! Very funny and everyone at the Masterclass was having a brilliant time. Who wants to see a pic...? #McFly
http://twitpic.com/qeaa7 - With the lovely @tommcfly @dannymcfly @dougiemcfly and @mcflyharry ! Aren't they all looking gorge?!
McFly aren't giving away any secrets about their new material, but they WILL have a new album out next year and there WILL be a UK tour!!
They're clearly very exciting about the "new direction" their music's taking...and so are we! Roll on 2010! #McFly
We arrived at the McFly Masterclass in time to watch @tommcfly and @dannymcfly sing Falling In Love. Such an amazing song... #McFly
We'll have more gossip from the Masterclass, plus our exclusive interview with McFly on heatworld.com on Monday. Stay on here for updates!
Lots of you are saying that @dannymcfly is looking buff... We think they're all looking the best they ever have. Must be all that sushi...
We love that you guys are more excited about McFLy than you are about The X Factor - hahaha!
We asked @tommcfly about posting a picture of naked @dougiemcfly , and he says it will happen when he has 500,000 (billion) followers. Ha ha
Det här borde hålla er sysselsatta tills på måndag då intervjun publiceras! ;)
xoxo McFluCrew