We're wishing McFly a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY today marking the 8th year since they first became a band. Well done Tom Fletcher, Dougie Poynter, Harry Judd and Danny Jones, you've McFly-ed well over the years. Oh the memories we have - listening to '5 Colours in Her Hair' on repeat, queueing up for McFly concerts, hysterically screaming in their faces. Good times.
McFly's sound has changed over the years from their carefree, Beach Boys-esq tracks to their sophisticated dance tunes. We can't help but notice that their 'look' has changed too. Remember when they had bleached-tipped hair? Wore ties? Pulled funny faces in every pic?
If you can't then look through out McFly gallery spanning from 2011 all the way back to 2003. Let's start with the present day and go back:

Xxx McFluCrew