söndag 2 oktober 2011
Harry Judd: Strictly Come Dancing Week 1
Harry Judd on All Star Family Fortunes!
Något är fel med youtube så jag kan inte lägga in videorna här utan ni får klicka på länkarna :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id08NBFFaaY&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBQcXAWO9Dw&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBI-8IYzI-Y&feature=related Xxx McFluCrew
måndag 12 september 2011
Strictly come Dancing: Harry Judd red carpet
xx McFluCrew
Strictly come Dancing: Interview with Harry Judd
xx McFluCrew
fredag 9 september 2011
Harry Judd on BBC radio1
xx McFluCrew
onsdag 7 september 2011
Vote for @deansherwoodpix
tisdag 6 september 2011
DailyMail: Strictly not a secret anymore
"McFly drummer Harry Judd, 25, was seen carrying his trainers and a large water bottle after working up a thirst ahead of the show’s launch this Wednesday in an episode that will air on Saturday."
Vi vet alla att Harry vet hur man rör sig på dansgolvet, vem kommer inte ihåg förra årets Strictly come Dancing Children in Need special? ;)
xx McFluCrew
Danny Jones (DJ)
xx McFluCrew
onsdag 31 augusti 2011
Frankie Sandford thinks her boyfriend is ''romantic''
"The 'All Fired Up' singer split from McF
She told LOOK magazine: "I see them as totally different. The main thing I've learned is that you never know what's around the corner."
fredag 19 augusti 2011
McFly: What does ‘Room on the third floor’ mean to you?
The documentary will see the two members back at the Intercontinental Hotel celebrating the history of Room On The Third Floor.
For a limited time, the boys are opening the phone lines to their fans, Pioneers and Galaxy Defenders.
All you have to do is call and leave a voicemail stating why Room On The Third Floor is so special to you, your story, your favourite song and why, or anything to do with what the album means to you… You’ll have to keep it quick as messages can’t be any longer than 20 seconds.
The magic number to call is:
020 3286 8459 (UK)
+4420 3286 8459 (International)
A number of the messages will be used so get dialling for your chance to be a part of this special film.
UK calls are charged at standard local rates and international calls are charged at standard international rates. Please ask the phone owner before making any calls to this number."A Jolly Day Out with McFly!

fredag 5 augusti 2011
Galaxy Defenders Stay Forever!
We're wishing McFly a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY today marking the 8th year since they first became a band. Well done Tom Fletcher, Dougie Poynter, Harry Judd and Danny Jones, you've McFly-ed well over the years. Oh the memories we have - listening to '5 Colours in Her Hair' on repeat, queueing up for McFly concerts, hysterically screaming in their faces. Good times.
McFly's sound has changed over the years from their carefree, Beach Boys-esq tracks to their sophisticated dance tunes. We can't help but notice that their 'look' has changed too. Remember when they had bleached-tipped hair? Wore ties? Pulled funny faces in every pic?
If you can't then look through out McFly gallery spanning from 2011 all the way back to 2003. Let's start with the present day and go back:

Xxx McFluCrew
lördag 30 juli 2011
McFlys pioneer journal!
Killarna (Tom) har kommer att skicka runt en bok som kallas pioneer journal. I denna bok får man en sida där man kan rita, skriva eller vad man nu vill göra, när man sedan är klar så är det ens ansvar att skicka vidare boken, det här gäller bara pioneers. Killarna kommer att fylla i de fyra första sidorna och sen skicka vidare. Det kommer även finnas en youtube kanal så att man kan filma det man göra i boken och sen lägga upp så att alla kan följa bokens resa!
Om jag har förstått det rätt så kommer det finnas olika böcker, just nu finns det bara en i england men mer kommer att skickas ut. Vi får hoppas att ingen snor eller förstör boken för det här låter som en riktigt cool idé! Tom är lite smart ibland!
Här är ett klipp där Tom förklara allt, samma kanal kommer man kunna lägga upp sina klipp!
Det här la Tom upp på sin tumblr 20 juli.

"Pioneers, we’ve got something pretty awesome coming your way soon. Here’s a sneak peek!"
Xxx McFluCrew
Tom Fletcher Rocked By Latest Japan Quake

"Mcfly star Tom Fletcher was left shaken in Japan after a strong earthquake hit the eastern coast of the country on Sunday (24Jul11).
The pop star, who is currently touring Japan with his bandmates, was terrified after he was awoken by the quake, which struck 175 miles (282 kilometres) northeast of Tokyo.
But after taking to Twitter.com to tell fans about his fear, Fletcher soon realised that locals didn't consider the tremor a serious threat.
He tweets, "S**iiit!!!!!! just got woken up by bloody earthquake. That could be small if you're used to it but it was bloody scary for us Brits!
"I'm guessing that was kind of a nonevent for everyone else. I was straight out of bed standing naked... under the doorframe. That's what they do in the movies right? Not naked of course."
No damage or injuries have been reported after the earthquake, which hit the same region devastated by March's (11) massive quake and tsunami."
Xxx McFluCrew
fredag 15 juli 2011
T4 On The Beach 2011, Mcfly Shine A Light Live
xx McFluCrew
thurrockgazette: School pool opened by McFly star
The ex-pupil of Corringham Primary School, in Herd Lane, Corringham, was joined by Thurrock mayor Charlie Curtis to unveil a commemorative plaque for the new pool, built with money raised from the Parent and Teacher Association.
Michelle Hobbs, former chairman of the association, who helped with fundraising, said: “Dougie learnt how to swim in the old pool, so it is lovely he was involved with the opening.
“The former pool and the building, which was made out of corrugated plastic, was old and condemned, so five years ago the association decided to raise money for a new one.”
xx McFluCrew
Contactmusic: Mcfly Stars Climbing Mountain For Charity
The British musicians are in training for the trek this summer (11) and are planning to donate all the funds raised to help educate underprivileged kids in boarding schools on the Peruvian island of Amantani.
And the bandmates have made the challenge extra tough, by agreeing to carry the equivalent weight of a child in their backpacks on the climb.
In a post on his Twitter.com page, Judd writes, "Any kind of donation to our justgiving page will go a long way. Leave a message when you donate so Tom and I can read them!"
Fletcher admits his training is in full swing, and he climbed Mount Snowdon in Wales on Thursday (14Jul11) for a practice run.
He tells his Twitter fans, "Tweeting from the summit of Mount Snowdon. Not bad for a morning's work."
xx McFluCrew
NOWmagazine: McFly's Dougie Poynter: I'd like to date Emma Watson
Dougie Poynter was dumped by Frankie Sandford for the second time in November
Dougie Poynter has spent much of this year heartbroken, but now he's feeling confident and ready to date again.
And the cute McFly guitarist has his eye on 2 girls in particular.
'If I could date anyone right now it'd be Emma Roberts or Emma Watson,' Dougie, 23, tells the Daily Star.
'I tried to get to Emma Watson the other day at the Harry Potter premiere, but she must have been pre-warned about me.'
Dougie split from Saturdays singer Frankie Sandford, 22, in November and later completed a stay in rehab.
'Thanks for all your support, really means allot x,' Dougie Tweeted to his followers after he left the Priory in March.
'Now can we get back to tweeting about boobs, d*cks and farts?'
xx McFluCrew
McFly interview at the last ever Harry Potter world premiere
xx McFluCrew
torsdag 30 juni 2011
Harry and Tom Fundraising
"Tom and I
have decided to climb Ben Neivs with the weight of a Peruvian Child on our back! The money we hope to raise will go towards keeping this girl in one of Amantani's boarding schools for a whole year. Amantani's intercultural boarding schools near Cusco, Peru, have transformed the live of 64 Quechua children who previously walked up to 8 hours daily to get to and from school. Many of them escape terrible conditions at home.
The girl we had decided to support is Christina.
When Cristina was only 8 years old, her mother's new husband chucked her out of the house. So every night when Cristina returned to her community after walking back from school, she was forced to wander from house to house, trying desperately to find somewhere to sleep. She was traumatised; she did not speak or smile.
För att donera pengar klicka här!
Xxx McFluCrew
onsdag 22 juni 2011
Hoppas att ni alla har en underbar sommar och njuter av ledighet eller jobbar lite extra för att kunna ha råd med de där McFLY biljetterna som vi alla vill åt.
Vi skulle vilja be om ursäkt för de få uppdateringar men även vi har fullt upp med jobb och sommarlov. Här kommer iaf en liten uppdatering om vad som har hänt McFLY världen:
Zukie - Ni har väll inte missat Dougies klädlinje Zukie? Klädlinjen hade ett launchparty och Dougie var självklart där, bilder från kvällen kan ni hitta på Zukie's yfrog.
Vill du klä dig i de coola Zukie tröjorna checka in deras hemsida här.
Saint Kidd - Är Dougies andra klädlinje, som kommer ha ett pirat tema. Kläderna kommer vara för både killar och tjejer och kommer att kunna levereras över helavärlden. Kolla in Saint Kidds Twitter och maila erat namn till crew.saintkidd@gmail.com för att vara först med att få reda på tävlingar och other awesome shizzle..
60 seconds with Harry Judd -

The drummer of Britain’s biggest pop-rock band talks about the things he
couldn’t do without on his rider on tour.
Beer or
coffee? Beer.
Crisps or popcorn? Crisps.
Treats from home or local cuisine? Local cuisine. You
have got to experience the culture of where you are. It is a lot of fun being
taken to nice restaurants but then again, sometimes you do miss Marmite. So I
always take some Marmite with me.
Bed at midnight or party ‘til
5am? Preferably bed before midnight. It would have been different in
the past but at the moment it is definintely bed before midnight.
Alarm clock or woken by friends? Alarm clock please.
Cards or monopoly? I think I would have to say cards
because you can play more games and it is easier to carry.
or computer game? DVD.
What is the ultimate item you
could take on your rider? I would take a personal masseuse. Touring for
a couple of months at a time means your shoulders get tight. It would be good to
get on the bus and get a rub down.
McFly headline Music On The Hill
at Kings Hill near West Malling on Saturday, June 25.
HEADBAND and TASH! - Dougie har börjat använda headbands igen och Tom skaffade mustasch men efter mycket klagomål från fansen och pressen rakade han av den..
SHREK - Tom, Giovanna och mustaschen gick på premiären av Shrek the musical
För fler bilder på det otroligt fina paret checka in sugarscape.com
Alton Towers - McFLY spelade på nöjesfältet Alton Towers tillsammans med bla. The Saturdays och JLS. Alla Flones fans blev lite väl exalterade när detta inträffade...
För fler bilder från konserten kolla in:
Dean Sherwood är McFLYs fotograf och han har fotat bandet i flera år. Hans bilder är helt otroligt bra och ni kan bla. se hans bilder på Radio:Active Live at Wembley DVDn. Han har skrivit en dagbok för the ABOVE THE NOISE tour och här kan ni läsa inlägget från Wembley. Inlägget är fullt med otroliga bilder så kolla in det! Ta även en titt på resten av hans hemsida, http://www.deansherwood.com/
Spanien - Nu har killarna åkt till Spanien för att spela på Coca Cola festival och Pioneers kan kolla på livestreaming från konserten på Super City kl halv nio Svensk tid.
GLAD SOMMAR önskar McFluCrew!!
söndag 19 juni 2011
Tom raised £100,000
Tom on The Cube!
McFly on the Wall Episode 6

Dålig uppdatering igen men eftersom det regnar idag så tänkte jag försöka uppdatera så mycket som möjligt!
lördag 11 juni 2011
Tom Fletcher: The Cube
"We’ve all sat there on our comfy sofas, watching The Cube, and shouting out comments (and instructions) as contestants make the most ridiculous decisions on how to complete, what are clearly, simple tasks…

This weekend we’ll be able to see McFly’s Tom Fletcher attempt to beat The Cube in a McFly special of the gameshow. This Entertainmentwise reporter was lucky enough to witness his endeavour whilst sat in the audience…although most of the time the hands covering her eyes (her own) prevented her from seeing what was actually happening.

We obviously can’t spill the beans on what happens as we’d get into a lot of trouble for doing so, (most likely we’d be thrown into the glass Cube and forced to spend the rest of eternity there), but what we can tell you is that it’s definitely worth a watch.

Host Phillip Schofield said to the Radio Times: “Tom Fletcher from boyband McFly is on during this series and that’s an amazing show. His bandmates were hilarious as his supporters – they give him what turns out to be utterly useless advice!” That reminds us, expect to laugh a lot during this episode as the advice from Tom’s bandmates is sidesplitting, with bass player Dougie Poynter giving a Yoda twist to his words of wisdom.

Tom wrote on his Twitter this morning: “Keep forgetting that my episode of The Cube is on this Saturday. Genuinely one of the most tense days of my life. Brilliant though!”

The Cube Celebrity Special: McFly is on ITV this Saturday at 8:40pm. We’re getting ready to relive the drama and shout at the TV!"
Xxx McFluCrew
Tom on The Cube!
Just nu trendar Tom Fletcher och #tomonthecube på twitter i England.
Xxx McFluCrew
fredag 10 juni 2011
McFly on the Wall Episode 5
Xxx McFluCrew
måndag 6 juni 2011
Popstar To Operastar
Alla Dannys framträdanden i Popstar to Operastar från förra året hittar ni på vår Youtubekanal
xx McFluCrew
Harry Judd + Cricket
2011 British Soap Awards!
McFly presenterade "The Sexiest Female Awards" på 2011 British Soap Awards.
Xxx McFluCrew
fredag 3 juni 2011
McFly on the Wall Episode 4
Xxx McFluCrew
McFly: Summer Festivals!

tisdag 31 maj 2011
"We want a wax work of McFly in Madame Tussauds"
Tom Fletcher on The Cube!
måndag 30 maj 2011
McFly & Galaxy Defenders
torsdag 26 maj 2011
McFly on the Wall Episode 3
onsdag 25 maj 2011
Update: McFluCrew
lördag 21 maj 2011
Tom and Giovanna Engaged

McFly on the Wall Episode 2
fredag 20 maj 2011
McFly in Madrid
Xxx McFluCrew
OK! McFly are hotter than The Wanted and JLS

Tough one eh?
Well according to a new poll by studentbeans.com it's actually the McFly lads (and not The Wanted or JLS) who are the most fanciable boyband.
We can exclusively reveal that Dougie, Tom, Harry and Danny came out on top when a bunch of students were asked which band they'd most like to (collectively) have sex with.
And girl bands The Saturdays and Girls Aloud even came in above of The Wanted and JLS (there must have been a helluva lot of guys voting too).
Writing this story has got us picturing going home with ALL of McFly, JLS and The Wanted. Dangerous.
But which of the three boybands would YOU most like to get up close and personal with?
lördag 14 maj 2011
SugarScape: Interview Tom Fletcher
McFly on the Wall, Episode 1
torsdag 12 maj 2011
McFly on the Wall!
lördag 7 maj 2011
torsdag 5 maj 2011
McFly in Portrait!

Här är artikeln som är med i tidningen:
"McFly’s biggest frustration has to be how often critics pigeon hole the group as nothing more than boy-band pop. You see, the band is four guys, who all play their own instruments, write their own songs and for the most part play pop music. Well, if McFly is a boy band so were the Beatles. McFly has never shied away from playing pop music, in fact they’ve pointed out several times how proud they are to be considered pop. (quote) But unless I’m mistaken, most boy bands haven’t played a concert with Brian May (Queen), recorded with Roger Daltrey (The Who) or had 18 number one singles. The band has remained primarily a UK band with occasional concerts in Europe, Japan and South America. But their latest album, “Above the Noise” is bringing McFly to the rest of the world. If you aren’t yet a fan, you will be by the end of this article. And that’s the truth.
For fans, the beginning of McFly is well known. Tom Fletcher, singer and guitarist for Mcfly, had gone to an audition for the band Busted. He didn’t make the band but Tom was asked to write songs for the band (he would go on to write three number 1 songs for Busted). A little bit later, Island Records was holding another round of auditions for a boy band. Danny Jones, (vocals and guitar) had showed up, thinking it was an audition for a band like Busted. Tom and Danny started talking and began writing songs together. Tom commented “"It was really funny. Everyone else was doing stretches and stuff and he was just sitting there with a guitar."Once Danny and Tom had a good collection of songs, auditions were held for a bassist and drummer. Dougie Poynter (bass) and Harry Judd (drums) both met at the same audition and bonded over a love of the band The Starting Line. The rest, as they say, is history.

Tom Fletcher “ I like to think of myself as a modern day John McClane.”
McFly’s first album, Room on the 3rd Floor, was named for the hotel room where Tom and Danny spent two months writing songs. The album was an instant hit, debuting at #1 on the charts. Thanks to Dougie’s age, McFly became the youngest band ever to debut at #1, knocking off the previous record holders, the Beatles. "We jumped from being completely unknown to being screamed at," noted Harry Judd. "It was literally overnight fame." The band went on tour in support of Busted and then followed the next fall with their own headlining tour.

Danny Jones: "We like to strip Dougie, cause he's a sexy little boy"
Wonderland was the band’s second album which featured the song “All About You”, a single that hit number one and the profits were donated to Comic Relief. Following their work with Comic Relief, McFly visited Uganda, Africa, where they shot the music video for the cover of “You’ve Got a Friend”. The band was incredibly touched by the kids they met in Africa. "I just saw a kid getting an injection for malaria and it was just I was holding her hand - it was a little moment that upset me,” said Danny. When the boys visited a local school, Tom noted that “Hearing a whole school of kids here singing a song that you’ve written is amazing. Very emotional.” Later, at the Live 8 summit in Japan, McFly co-headlined with Good Charlotte and Bjork. 2005-2006 was a busy time for McFly. They not only released Wonderland and headlined a tour, but played in front of Queen Elizabeth at the Royal Variety Performance and costarred in the movie “Just My Luck” with Lindsay Lohan and Chris Pine. "We're not actors to be honest," commented Harry. "But it's a great opportunity for us and to get our faces out there in America."The band’s songs were featured on the soundtrack and they played concerts in Los Angeles and New York. Much to the detriment of us American fans, the boys haven’t yet been back to perform in the states.
Motion in the Ocean was the band’s 3rd album, a cheeky reference to the skill level a girl wants from a guy in bed. The group released several top singles from the album and covered songs like Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” and Jellyfish’s “Baby’s Coming Back”. Fans appreciated the band’s decision to follow an arena tour with a small venue tour, called “McFly Up close and Personal” where they played in towns that weren’t on the arena tour. After the tours, McFly released a greatest hit album in 2007 and went on a tour to support the album.

Dougie Poynter: "I’d like to be reincarnated as a bra, thank you."
In 2008, the band made a major change when they left Island Records. McFly was having creative differences with their record label and wanted more control over the album. "There was just a creative difference thing. We felt like we were more in touch with the fans than this guy just sat in the office. We left on good terms and they understood why we were doing it. We just said, 'Yeah, let's try it on our own.' This album's not had any opinions forced on it apart from ours. We literally just made music we wanted to make and produced it how we wanted to produce it,” explained Danny. The band flew to Australia to record the album and released an early copy with “The Mail on Sunday”. “We can’t wait for our fans to hear it and we can’t wait to play it to them live,” said Harry. “These songs are by far the best we’ve ever done. We’ve never been happier.” McFly took their tour outside of the UK this time around playing in Europe and South America, before ending their round of tours by making a surprise appearance with the Jonas Brothers to sing Star Girl in London.
Above the Noise brought McFly back to their old record label, but with a great deal more creative control. The band worked closely with Dallas Austin and Taio Cruz in Atlanta, Georgia to write many of the songs. Fans were a bit unsure of the album at first, since McFly opted for a new sound with more dance music and smooth harmonies, but were quickly won over. McFly’s sound may change but the boys are still as talented as ever. The band made a point to reach out to their fans with this album, launching a brand new website titled “Super City”. The website features tons of interactive opportunities, webchats with the boys, new demo and photo releases and behind the scenes videos. Pioneers, the first members of the site, get early access to meet and greets and video premieres. In November of 2009, McFly released a 40 minute movie titled Nowhere Left to Run that featured many of the album’s singles. The tour has taken the boys to continental Europe as well as the UK and they have plans to return to South America as well.

Harry Judd: “I reckon i'm worth about 2.99 pounds- and that's with 50 per cent off.”
McFly wrapped up their “Above the Noise” tour last month but April 1st was a day few McFly fans will forget. The band used their official website, Super City, to give fans around the world a chance to watch a McFly concert live. As a long time fan myself, it was amazing to be able to watch the band in concert even on a computer screen. Details like this are why McFly will continue to be one of the great bands of my generation, because in a world where bands keep pulling away from fans to protect privacy, McFly is reaching out to their fans. Small wonder since the fans have stuck by through thick, thin and crappy critics. Tom even wrote “One For the Radio” as a way to let the band join fans in celebrating each other (and a little bit to tell off the critics. "It's kind of like, 'If you don't like us, we don't care,” says Tom. "'Cause we're the ones that get to hear 10,000 people sing the songs back to us. It's more positive, you know, uniting the people together that do like us, and saying if you don't, well, we don't care as we're happy and proud of who we are.” The lyrics remind listeners you can pretend to dislike McFly but in reality you’re singing along to every song. In other words, there’s nowhere left to run."
Xxx McFluCrew