Igår var sista kvällen för Dallas i London, efter två veckor i studion har det blivit dax för Dallas att åka tillbaka till USA. Det har varit en intressant upplevelse med Ustream och total förlust av dygns rytm. Som
farväl gick därför killarna ( - Harry som är sjuk) ut och festade loss!
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HeatWorld:We think McFly might have been on the Jager Bombs last night...

McFly have been working pretty much flat-out on their upcoming album over the past few weeks, but last night they treated themselves to a night off and - we suspect - quite a few drinks at the same time. Dougie, Tom and Danny were snapped making their way from Nobu to Bungalow 8 to Jet Black in London over the course of last night and were seemingly happy to pull some daft faces for the paps as they went. Poor Dougie needs a bit of cheering up after his relationship with Frankie Sandford sadly came to an end recently, and everyone knows getting happily drunk on the town with your mates is the best medicine.
xx McFluCrew
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